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NovaHealth TCM was established in 2017 at Singapore CBD by a group of double degree graduates from Nanyang Technological University. NovaHealth Owen Family Clinic is our first clinic in the heartland area. Our vision is to transform the traditional, often misunderstood concept of outdated Traditional Chinese Medicine practice by making it more scientific, effective, and affordable. Our Physicians have been trained in renowned overseas hospitals for at least two years and have years of experience in integrative medicine. Equipped with both ancient approach and state-of-art technology, we will provide you with the most suitable complementary and holistic TCM treatments which will enhance modern medicine.


新医馆是由新加坡南洋理工大学双学位注册中医师于2017年在新加坡中央商务区成立的高端中医诊所。新医馆欧文路家庭诊所是我们在居民区的第一件诊所。我们提供科学、有效、惠民的中医服务来改变大众对传统医学过时守旧的印象。我们的注册中医师在海外知名 中西医结合医院接受至少为期两年的培训,并且在中西医结合方面拥有多年的经验。我们尊崇古训,且与时俱进,配备国际顶级设备。我们为您提供个性化整体中医诊疗方案,与现代医学协同达到最佳疗效。 

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